What are the popular free dictionary APIs available?

What are the popular free dictionary APIs available?


Here is the list of popular free dictionary APIs check & read this out!

The popular free dictionary APIs

Datamuse - This one is ultimate, You can use this service without restriction and without an API key for up to 100,000 requests per day. Please be aware that beyond that limit, keyless requests may be rate-limited without notice. If you'd like to use this in a customer-facing application, or if you need a custom vocabulary, or if you plan to make more than 100,000 requests per day, you can get an API key and a stable version to use with a greater availability guarantee. API keys are free for noncommercial use.


$ curl "https://api.datamuse.com/words?ml=ringing+in+the+ears&max=4" | python -mjson.tool

WordsAPI - Not completely free, but you can get 2500 API requests a day from their freemium model. (You are charged $0.004 per additional API request). Try it here.

TwinWord Word Dictionary API - Another freemium based API that gets you 10,000 API requests per month. (You are charged $0.003 per additional API request)

Urban Dictionary API - Completely free. Access UrbanDictionary.com’s dictionary for popular slang words.

TagDef API - Completely free. Dictionary definitions for the most popular hashtags from social media platforms like Twitter.

I work for RapidAPI, an online API marketplace which lets you find, test, and connect to thousands of APIs from one centralized location. By using RapidAPI, you can compare different APIs, see which one works best for your use case, and implement the API into your program in minutes. The popular free dictionary APIs.
